
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Jackson's Room

Memorial Day weekend my Mom and David and Chad's Parents came over to help us get Jackson's room ready. We had lots of work to do to be able to get the room to the point that I could see it in my head. You never know if what you think will turn out as well as you want it to. I was very nervous until it was completely done and then I was very happy with the results.

Here is Jackson's Bed with his name above it.
We had letters painted to go on the wall and I am so happy with how they turned out.
I finished the nightstand for his room to match the furniture.
We found a print that went so well with his room and of course if you know Chad you know Jackson would have a wall mount tv in his room. (Actually we did not have anywhere else to put it.) And yes for those of you who remember our tailgating TV this is it and it was too hard to mount on the wall to take off!
We found a lady who personalizes prints with name and hair color and eye color. We guessed light brown hair and brown eyes so we will see if we were correct.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

The blog looks great! Can't wait for more updates and little Jackson to get here. Hannah Claire needs a playmate.